
Scope and Presentation

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the French Physical Society (SFP), we have the great pleasure to invite you to participate in the “International Workshop on Advanced Quantum Materials” dedicated to New Emerging Low Dimensional Materials. The workshop will be held in person on June 7-8, 2023 on the Campus Pharo of the Aix-Marseille University, near the scenic site of the Palais du Pharo, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Vieux Port in Marseille, France.

Among New Emerging Low Dimensional Materials we can cite Silicene, described as the "new silicon", born in 2012. It is the flagship of the new post-graphene two-dimensional materials, on the way to revolutionize nanoelectronics, spintronics and quantum computing. Essential tools for the study of advanced low-dimensional materials are Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, first applied to the study of surfaces 40 years ago, lasers and synchrotron radiation from its multiple storage rings.

The workshop will be focused on the Design - Nanoarchitectonics -  Emerging Properties – Applications of the novel low-dimensional artificial materials, especially Silicene and all related Xenes, Organic layers etc., and their outstanding topological and electronic properties, possibly featuring Majorana bound states.

General Information and Contact

This international workshop will take place in Marseille (France) on June 7th and 8th, 2023 in the Pharo building of Aix-Marseille University


We cordially encourage you to participate in AQM2023 with oral or poster presentations, and to submit your abstract as soon as possible (deadline: April 30th). Posters should be printed in A0 size and portrait/vertical orientation.

Due to limited seating, the maximum number of participants is 120. Registration will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis

A reception cocktail will be held on Wednesday, 7th between 18:30 and 20:00 at the Town Hall (Quai du Port, Mairie de Marseille - Salle Bailli de Suffren).

Note: June is a high touristic season in Marseille, please book hotel room as early as possible to facilitate your trip.


Scientific and Organizing Committee

Prof. Thierry Angot, Manager

Mme Nathalie Bonifay, Secretary

Mme Samantha Isaia, Secretary

Prof. Jean-Marc Layet, President of the local section of the SFP

Prof. Guy Le Lay, Coordinator 

Dr. Dave Lollman, Treasurer 

Dr. Marco Minissale, Manager               

Prof. Pierre Müller, Director of the Institute AMUTech 

Dr. Eric Salomon, Manager 

Contact: aqm2023@sciencesconf.org

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